Wednesday, May 30, 2012

End of MAY

MAY will be over in 1 day! Here comes .... JUNE. Who loves JUNE? I bet students do.
June = School Holiday
Anyway, I'm talking about May now, so let's look back to what I have done in MAY!

1. I have officially graduated from Senior High School!
Yay-ness! Graduated on 26th May 2012. No longer wearing uniform for good. ^^

2. I got a job! 
Told you guys I taught some kids Math and Physics! Now I no longer teach them as those kids have finished their final exam. Although it has only been a month, I surely will miss 'em. :')
P.S. I earned my first salary !!!

3. I was offered admission by NUS!
Blogged about this! I'm still so freaking happy.

4. I went on a holiday trip with my classmates!
Went to a 7days 6 nights trip to Singapore and KL. It's awesome! I would love to go another time.
P.S. Probably will blog something about this later when I have time.

So that's about all I have done in MAY. Best parts are number 2 & 3.
I hope June will be GREAT! If not AWESOME!


Thank You

Special post dedicated to my sweetest friend Kenneth Anggara !
Thank you for the sweet blog post. It's not the first time you've written a special blog post for me and I'm sooo thankful of that. <3
Firstly, I wanna clarify something.
I DID NOT get any SCHOLARSHIP. It's a tuition grant (50% of my tuition fee).
Secondly, YOU TOLD HER?
She's the kindest teacher ever!!!
Hehe, promised you I'll come this Friday. =) I was busy last Friday (LIAR)

Thanks again, Kenneth! You are amazing!


View the blog post here !

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Oh hell yeah, LIFE is full of surprise.
Just like recently - I am offered ADMISSION to NUS!
I know, I sounded like I'm freaking kidding, but I'm not, okay? I called to make sure it wasn't a prank.
The NUS-NTU hype was over 2 month ago, never in my dreams had I seen myself getting a chance to be offered admission anymore.But, praise God, I was emailed by NUS on 23rd May (not that the date is important). I was on my way home after teaching when my friend BBM-ed me and said that he got the e-mail from NUS (he was rejected, though), so I checked my e-mail through my phone and look what I have found! I couldn't believe it! It's a miracle. I didn't think I even stand a chance entering that highly prestigious uni.

The E-mail

Do you believe it now? You have to, you know?
I have accepted the offer and I'M GOING!!
OH MY GOODNESS! Thanks God, thank You.

I have studied the Freshmen Guide in PDF (the real copy is on its way to my house. YES!), and found out that there's A LOT to do. I literally mean A LOT. Check this check that, blah blah.
Anw, I'm still confused on where should I stay. my sister's place? or the dorm?
If I choose :
- My sister's place : I'll have more freedom and privacy (home at 1? Who cares?). I will also be more comfortable as I have been familiar with the place. However, I'll pay much for the transport. My sister's place is far from NUS. Then I also won't get the chance to do all the dorm stuffs. Living with people your age is different.
- Dorm : I'll have lots of activities to do and get to know more people. Spend less time on road too (and less fee). But I won't have privacy, no personal toilet (that freaks me out) and no freedom. Geez.

I can't choose!! :'(

Well, other than that, I'm so glad I've been given a chance to spend my 4 upcoming years there. :)
I really do hope everything goes well.
You know, NUS is my plan A, NTU my plan B, and SIM my plan C (It doesn't hurt to have A LOT of back-up plans. Shit happens, you know?)
2 months ago this was what happened :
So I have started my Plan C. I have submitted all the documents to UB-SIM and even paid the fee. I browsed through their websites and considered the clubs I wanted to join. I even had several ideas for my room already. I don't have the least hope for NUS (this is real, not even a bit). I thought that Plan C is not bad at all. At least I won't have to stressed myself out.
Then yesterday, I return to the plan A. The unfinished plan A. It's crazy, having to go back to something you have left and don't wanna remember anymore. Like going back to your ex?
BUT, as I have said before. I'm really really glad to be accepted! Thank you (!!!)

Holiday has been surprisingly not boring. In fact, I have been busy all days.
Another surprise is I was asked by my former tuition teacher to help her teach. Oh-my-God! Me? Who don't even planned to work during holiday?
She is going to pay me a considerable wage per lesson (I don't know how much. She's not telling and I'm not asking).  It has been hectic, although Sunday will be the last day I'm teaching cause the students' gonna wrap up their exams on Monday (Math & Physics). I have to stay up all night making questions (I made some! Some I copy from books. lol) and wake up early to teach. Some of the kids are super cute. I always have the urge to squeeze this cute lil' boy to death. He's chubby and so funneeh. But they can be naughty sometimes.
I'm teaching 9 students for almost everyday. I'm so glad I know 'em. :) Then there's also my teacher's daughter, who's been extremely kind. I used to think she didn't like to talk much, but she seriously is gossipy. I love it though. It makes me wanna stay there the whole day and gossip with her.
I dare to say that this is the most productive holiday I have ever had.

God is always good, you just have to believe! :)
Blink twice and SURPRISE!

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Pardon my caps in the title. I'm all excited over the release of the DVD! I can finally see Big Bang's "I Am The Best" in HQ!
here comes problem
It's like soooo expensive no? 52 SGD for one! Okay, it includes :
- 3 DVDs
- YG Family Card
- Poster in Tube
(those 3 DVDs actually gave me away)
but I can't afford spending that much money again when I'm going to save up for my New Ipad and camera.
Oh heaven.
And if I really want to watch their performances then I need to buy. Only for YGE artists, I don't go and hijack (download) videos and songs. (Hehe, proofing my loyalty for them)
Okay, I did actually. For last last years Big Show. Nvr mind that.
How? How?
Well, it's not like anybody's going to sponsor me one.-_-
But if you happens to have the sudden will to buy me one, or at least pay half, let me know!
I'm kidding of course.
Money come to meee!

More info of the album go :

 p.s. I love BBU for giving most up-to-date news 'bout BB =P


Gadget's in my demand

- Blackberry Torch 9810 (Getting this for sure when I go Singapore! 'cos my fam is also asking me to CHANGE my phone. It's like so stucky and need to be reboot at least three times a day)
- New Ipad (w/ all those super fun apps, who doesn't want this?)
- Olympus camera (want! need! I prefer this than DSLR 'cos DSLR is big and heavy)
- Polaroid cam (this is not in my top priority, but still, I start loving all those cute polaroid films. Probably if I have spare money then I'll buy one.)

That's almost all of it. (If you don't count my obsession in getting a new laptop that I know will never happen)
I still have to work my way to get those gadgets (except for the phone). Mom's not buying me a New Ipad and I need to use my MONEY! and you know, I'm not that rich myself :|
Okay whatever.
Will keep on updating this list. AND probably cross something out if I FINALLY OWN IT~

 Actually, I was contemplating on buying an Iphone. There are like zillion Iphone accessories in town and who wouldn't drool over them? But you know, most of my friends are using Blackberry Messenger as a way to communicate. How to talk if I use Iphone? It's not like everybody has a whatsapp. Then I also think that maybe I can save those accessories money on buying myself a camera! lol.
So I decide on buying myself another blackberry. I won't regret. yes, never.